How do I get the Magazine?
- Magazines can be ordered annually (4 magazines per year) via our Subscription page; or they may be ordered and paid for individually (1 or more current or back-issue magazines) via our store.
- You may also subscribe or order individual issues over the phone by calling 1-250-888-0106.
- All issues are available by digital download – either via Subscription or individual issues (current or back-issues).
- One box of magazines (approximately 20 magazines in a box) can be ordered for $300 plus shipping which includes the courier fee to any country in the world. Call 1-250-888-0106 to order.
How do I set up a PayPal account?
Enter your email address
Create a password. This should be a minimum of 11 characters (upper case, lower case and numbers). Write it down as if you cannot remember it, you would have to set up a new PayPal account. Do not tell anyone your password.
Click on “Profile” – far right side of the screen near the top. Complete the information requested.
To add a credit card select “Add/Edit credit card”
The mailing address must be the address where your credit card statements are mailed to
The billing address is the address where you want your magazine mailed to
The security code for your credit card is printed on the back of your credit card. Visa & MasterCard have a 3 digit number printed; American Express has a 4 digit number printed
You must enter the phone number your credit card company has listed as your primary phone number
NOTE: – PayPal never emails requesting members to confirm their information. If you receive an email that looks like it came from PayPal, and you are not expecting an invoice, delete the email without opening it as it is spam.
Cheques are accepted if drawn on a USA or Canadian bank account. Make cheque payable to “Total Rottweiler Magazine” and mail to Total Rottweiler Magazine, 749 Falkirk Avenue, North Saanich, BC V8L 5H2 Canada.
Money orders are accepted. The money order MUST be an international money order if not purchased in Canada and must be in US dollars.
Wire Transfers are accepted. Please contact the magazine to request a wire transfer form be sent to you if this is the method you prefer to pay by.
How do I advertise?
Please contact us at 1-250-888-0106 to discuss advertising options!
Can I supply my own ad?
Yes. The ad must be print ready with a bleed.
What is print ready?
Print ready means the ad must be supplied as a high resolution pdf file with allowances for the bleed in CMYK. The ad must be flattened (ie sealed). Size specifications are:
bleed size – 8.75″ x 11.25″
trim size – 8.5″ x 11″
Binding size is 1/2″
All graphics & text must be 1/4″ within trim size
What is CMYK colour?
CMYK (Cyan/Magenta/Yellow/Black) mode, is the mode required for the printing process. If an RGB (Red/Green/Blue) file is submitted, it must be converted to CMYK for print. When the conversion takes place, colour shifts can occur. The result will be the print version may not be the colours displayed on your monitor as monitors can only display in RGB colour.
Typical printing presses use 4 colors of ink. The four inks are placed on the paper in layers of dots that combine to create the illusion of many more colors. CMYK refers to the 4 ink colors used by the printing press. C is cyan (blue), M is magenta (red), Y is yellow, and K is black, the key plate or keyline colour. A mistake often made when submitting artwork for 4-color printing is not converting the images to the CMYK color space. This is needed so that the file can be separated into the four colors so that a separate printing plate can be made for each of the colors.
The chart to the left plots the visible color spectrum as the large “horse shoe” area, and within this is a plot of the CMYK colors, and the RGB colors. You can see that in some areas the RGB color space is “outside” that of the CMYK space. It is these colors that will be affected by a conversion from RGB to CMYK.
All the designers we recommend design ads in CMYK. Ads designed in CMYK will display on the monitor exactly how they will display in print. If an RGB file is printed, it will look “faded” and will lack clarity.
What material is required for an ad?
For best results, pictures supplied must be high resolution (uncropped) to the designer.
Are there restrictions on titles or awards published in ad content?
No. We publish all titles recognized by USRC. We also publish AKC/CKC Awards such as Best of Breed, Group Placing, ARC Gold sire, and titles/awards earned at independent Sieger shows and at Shows from countries outside of North America.
What fonts should be used in ad design?
Fonts installed on your computer are licensed by their manufacturers for specific uses. For example, a font license might allow you to use the font to display on your monitor and print on your desktop printer; however, the license might restrict you from embedding the font when you save your publication. Font restrictions can be lifted by the manufacturer by purchasing that particular font. All fonts must be embedded in the file for best print results.
How do I submit material from a show, trial or workshop?
Email the magazine with your report and pictures. We accept material from all countries. Pictures should be labelled with the caption to be on the picture. Shows, trials and workshops are printed depending on space availability.
If you have a question, please contact the magazine with your question and we will answer you!
How do I open digital download files on my iPhone or iPad?
The digital version of the magazine are pdf files and can be opened in any pdf viewer (such as Adobe Reader). You can also use iBooks, which comes pre-installed on Apple devices running IOS 8 or later. Please see Apple’s support document for more details: